Bug Hunting on KASKUS

This time, I’d like to share my bug-hunting experience on the KASKUS website. I’ve discovered several bugs, including POST-based XSS, Reflected XSS, Stored XSS, and Open Redirect Vulnerabilities.


The first step I took was reconnaissance, starting with gathering subdomains for the KASKUS site. I used sublist3r to collect these subdomains.

Once I had collected all the subdomains, I saved them into a text file and began checking each one individually.

I started with the main domain, www.kaskus.co.id, and used Links-Crawler to discover URLs or URLs with unique parameters.

Reflected XSS

The first bug I discovered was Reflected XSS. After using Links-Crawler, I came across the following URL:


I tried modifying the order parameter, like so:



So, I tried adding an XSS payload:


Unfortunately, the response was negative.

Since the order parameter was part of a hidden input, I attempted using the onclick="" and accesskey="" attributes for XSS:




When I opened the page and pressed ALT + SHIFT + X on my keyboard, the alert notification popped up, confirming the vulnerability.

Stored XSS

The second bug I found was Stored XSS, still on the domain https://www.kaskus.co.id. On the page https://www.kaskus.co.id/user/editprofile, there is a form for updating your bio. I tested it by inserting a simple XSS payload like this:



The server’s response was as expected, but when I tried to insert this payload:


The response was the same as the previous Reflected XSS example, so I used the same method with the onclick="" and accesskey="" attributes:



When visiting the profile page https://www.kaskus.co.id/@{username}/ and pressing ALT + SHIFT + X on the keyboard, the alert notification appeared again, confirming a Stored XSS vulnerability.

POST-based XSS

Next, I found a POST-based XSS Vulnerability on the KASKUS subdomain https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/.

When visiting https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/sell, there’s a form for posting products/items. The attribute and value parameters in the form weren’t properly encoded, and since the character count for both parameters was limited, I used the following payload:

  • Attribute Parameter: "onclick='/*
  • Value Parameter: */alert(1)'

The response:

POST-based XSS confirmed.

Open Redirect

The last vulnerability I discovered was an Open Redirect vulnerability on both www.kaskus.co.id and fjb.kaskus.co.id. Using Links-Crawler, I found some interesting URLs.

When accessing:


It redirects to:


However, when I removed the slash character from the url parameter:


The page redirected to:


This behavior is unusual because the URL should have been:


In such cases, we can insert any domain into the url parameter, and the fjb.m.kaskus.co.id subdomain will become part of the domain we inserted into the parameter. Here’s an example:

https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/user/switchtomobile/?url=.rizal.ninja ==> https://fjb.m.kaskus.co.id.rizal.ninja

After re-checking with Links-Crawler, I discovered two URLs with the same Open Redirect vulnerability:

https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/user/switchtomobile/?url=.rizal.ninja ==> https://fjb.m.kaskus.co.id.rizal.ninja

https://www.kaskus.co.id/user/switchtomobile/?url=.rizal.ninja ==> https://m.kaskus.co.id.rizal.ninja

Another Open Redirect bug I found was on the URL:


If you insert a domain like *.kaskus.co.id into the url parameter, the page will immediately redirect to that domain. However, if the domain is not kaskus.co.id, it won’t redirect and will show a page like this:

In this case, we can use the PoC (Proof of Concept) from the first Open Redirect vulnerability as a payload in the second one:

https://www.kaskus.co.id/redirect?url=https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/user/switchtomobile/?url=.rizal.ninja ==> https://fjb.kaskus.co.id/user/switchtomobile/?url=.rizal.ninja ==> https://fjb.m.kaskus.co.id.rizal.ninja

That’s all for now. I hope this report helps highlight some vulnerabilities I found on KASKUS. While these issues may seem minor, they pose potential risks for users and should be addressed for a safer browsing experience.


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