Bypassing Razer’s WAF for XSS

While testing Razer’s web application, I identified an XSS vulnerability in their /ajax endpoint. The issue arises due to insufficient validation of the URL parameter, allowing JavaScript execution despite filtering attempts. This write-up outlines how I discovered the parameter using Arjun, crafted a bypass for their filters and successfully executed a proof of concept (PoC).

To begin, I used Arjun, a tool designed to identify query parameters that web applications accept and process. Running the following command revealed the presence of the URL parameter:

arjun -u

Arjun reported that the URL parameter was being processed by the server. Further testing revealed that its value was reflected in the response.

When passing a value to the URL parameter, the application rendered the following HTML response:



<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
<p>To proceed to the URL you have requested, click the link below:</p>
<p><a href=''></a></p>

This indicated that the server did not validate the protocol or sanitize the input properly. I tested various protocols, including javascript://, which allowed me to inject JavaScript. However, initial attempts at executing JavaScript code encountered several backend restrictions.

Understanding the Filter Mechanism

The backend implemented some basic filtering:

  • Blocked Words: The backend blocked words like window , alert , eval, and error.
  • Removed Characters: It also removed { , } , ( , ) , ` characters from the input.

Testing an invalid URL containing alert, for example, returned a 500 Internal Server Error:



Bypassing the Filter

To bypass the restrictions, I discovered that embedding {} characters inside blocked words would bypass the backend’s WAF. For example, by splitting alert into a{ler}t, I was able to reintroduce the forbidden characters and evade detection.



This confirmed that the WAF could be bypassed using encoded or obfuscated characters. With this insight, I proceeded to craft a more advanced payload.

To bypass these restrictions, I encoded the { and } characters by embedding them inside blocked words. This allowed me to reintroduce the forbidden characters while bypassing the filters.

Final Payload:


This payload uses:

  1. javascript:// Protocol: Allows JavaScript execution.
  2. Encoded Characters: %250a for a newline and {} embedded inside blocked words to bypass the filter.
  3. Triggering Code: Assigning onerror to execute an alert with the value 1337.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Open the vulnerable URL with the crafted payload:{err}o}r=a{ler}t,1337
  • The server responds with the following HTML:
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
<p>To proceed to the URL you have requested, click the link below:</p>
<p><a href='javascript://%0athrow%20onerror=alert,1337'>javascript://%0athrow onerror=alert,1337</a></p>
  • Click the displayed payload link on the rendered page.
  • The XSS payload is executed, triggering an alert box.



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