Finding WordPress Vulnerabilitieson CarGurus with WPScan

While exploring CarGurus’ bug bounty program, I discovered a reflected XSS vulnerability on their subdomain This writeup details the steps I took to identify and exploit the vulnerability using WordPress enumeration tools and a known vulnerable plugin.

Subdomain Enumeration

CarGurus’ bug bounty program accepts reports for subdomains of To begin my reconnaissance, I used Assetfinder to enumerate subdomains.


assetfinder --subs-only

I identified the subdomain, which was running WordPress.

Scanning for WordPress Vulnerabilities

To identify potential vulnerabilities, I used WPScan, a popular WordPress security scanner.


wpscan --url --enumerate vp,vt --api-token [token]
  • --enumerate vp,vt:
    • vp: Enumerate vulnerable plugins.
    • vt: Enumerate vulnerable themes.

Discovery of Vulnerable Plugin

WPScan revealed that the website was using an outdated version of the Sassy Social Share plugin, which is known to be vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

Exploiting the Vulnerability

Using the Proof of Concept (PoC) provided on WPScan, I tested the reflected XSS on the following URL:"><script>alert(1)</script>

When this URL is accessed, the payload executes, resulting in an alert box appearing in the browser.


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