POST-based XSS on DomaiNesia

DomaiNesia is a company that offers domain registration, web hosting, VPS, and other related services. In this report, I’ll be sharing the details of a POST-based XSS vulnerability I discovered on their website.

I spent a few minutes thoroughly browsing the website, checking different pages, URLs, and parameters, and testing various inputs in forms. Eventually, I came across a potential vulnerability on the following page:

Page URL:

On this page, there were input fields for “Payment Confirmation” as well as a file upload field. I decided to focus on the file upload functionality.

Step 1: File Upload Test

I uploaded a file named img.jpg and received the following response:

<img id='previewImage' src='' alt='Payment Proof' width='100'>

At this point, I decided to test the behavior when adding special characters in the filename. Specifically, I tried inserting a single quote (') in the filename to see if it could break or close the src attribute in the image tag.

Step 2: File Name Manipulation

I renamed the file to img'.jpg and received the following response:

<img id='previewImage' src='' .jpg' alt='Payment Proof' width='100'>

As you can see, the single quote in the filename disrupted the src attribute, which gave me an opportunity to inject a malicious payload.

Step 3: XSS Payload Injection

Taking advantage of this, I tried injecting some XSS payloads in the filename. Here are the two payloads I used:

  1. img'onerror='alert(document.domain)'.jpg
  2. img'onerror='alert(document.cookie)'.jpg

When I uploaded these files, the payloads were executed as part of the onerror event handler for the image. The server responded with a POST-based XSS, successfully triggering the JavaScript alerts.


  • October 14, 2019: Reported the bug to DomaiNesia
  • October 14, 2019: DomaiNesia acknowledged and accepted the bug report
  • October 14, 2019: DomaiNesia confirmed that the bug had been fixed
  • October 14, 2019: DomaiNesia requested my account information
  • October 16, 2019: A reward was sent

I’m grateful to DomaiNesia for their prompt response and for rewarding me for reporting this issue.


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